Inkubator businesses: increase in sustainable innovation processes and digital needs
The year 2019 has been a busy one for Dalarna Science Park’s Inkubator. Many businesses have presented their ideas, many of them have been endorsed, and eleven in total have been accepted into Inkubator, where they will receive help in their future development.
A trend among those businesses contacting Inkubator and those accepted is that they have a high level of knowledge and seek support in how to develop new solutions, products and services that will serve them into the future. Another clear trend is the focus on sustainability, a factor that is becoming increasingly important. Of those 11 businesses in 2019 that were accepted into Inkubator, eight are digital businesses working with digital solutions.
Overview of trends:
- Sustainability more important in businesses: more are requesting support in this area.
- Demand for innovation processes.
- Increase in demand for capital.
- Greater proportion of businesses with digital business ideas.
- Growing need for businesses to develop the abilities of their team.
Currently, there is a fund for investment in businesses that are just starting out. To be able to meet the needs of the digital businesses, we are working together with colleagues in, for example, other Inkubator organisations who have expert knowledge. Sustainability is offered by way of processes, tools and methods for the smaller business.
In 2020, Dalarna Science Park’s Inkubator is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary. A look back at what has happened between the years of 2014-2018 shows that:
- We have reviewed 2 550 ideas
- 155 businesses have participated in our processes
- Together they have a turnover of 620 million sek (2018)
- 420 individuals were in employment either in or as a result of the businesses (2018)
- Together they have attracted over 100 million sek in risk capital
To mark these 15 years, a tour is planned to all 15 municipalities in Dalarna. You are welcome to meet us at Dalarna Science Park – for example, in our café, at our workshops and during our lectures on sustainability. You can also come and meet our Inkubator businesses.