Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the competition take place? 

The competition runs from October 1 to October 31, 2023. 

Who can participate? 

The competition is open to both individuals and businesses. To participate, you must be at least 18 years old and live and work in Dalarna. 

How do I submit my idea? 

By filling out and submitting the competition form, which opens on October 1. 

Is there a risk that someone will steal my idea? 

No. Your idea is safe with us. Those handling and evaluating your idea are bound by confidentiality agreements. 

What happens after I submit my entry? 

All competition entries are assessed by a jury working under confidentiality. When the process is complete, all participants will be contacted. The winners will be announced in November 2023. 

Can I submit multiple entries? 

All participants can submit one or more entries. 

What can I win? 

Three winners will be awarded prizes for the best ideas. 

  • First prize: Business development support worth SEK 50,000 and a scholarship of SEK 20,000 that can be used to develop your idea or as starting capital for a limited company. 
  • Second prize: Business development support worth SEK 25,000. 
  • Third prize: Business development support worth SEK 15,000. 

What is required to win the competition? 

The idea will be assessed according to the evaluation criteria. You can find them above. 

When can the prize be used? 

The prize can be used from the moment the winning entry is announced and for up to 6 months thereafter. 

Will the competition entry be shown to others? 

The information you provide is treated in accordance with the instructions in the form. If you win, your idea may be showcased through digital channels and news media. Everything will be done in consultation with you. 


Here’s your chance to win an additional SEK 10,000 scholarship if your idea is aimed at one of our personas. 

How can I participate in the bonus prize of SEK 10,000? 

To participate in the bonus competition, your idea needs to be connected to one of the three person descriptions mentioned above. You enter the bonus competition by checking the participation box in the same form as the main competition.