Student Afterwork with a Focus on the Building and Construction Industry

3 oktober 2024 kl. 17:00 - kl. 19:00 Ljusgården,Dalarna Science Park

After Work 

Welcome to a after work for students from Bygg- och Samhällsplanering, Energy Efficient Built Environment, researchers and staff from related programs.

Join us for an afterwork hosted by Dalarna Science Park, Högskolan Dalarna and DalaSparkz. This is an opportunity for students interested in the building and construction industry to connect with professionals fellow students.

What to expect:

  • Industry Speaker: Hear from a panel of expert in the field.
  • Networking: Meet with other students and representatives from the industry.

Free pizza for everyone who is registered. Sign up before 2.nd of October if you want free pizza.

Presentation language: English

Who: Students, researchers and staff from Construction and building related programs

The After Work is arranged by Dalarna Science Park together with DalaSparkz.

Dalarna Science Park offers students coaching, training, and networking free of charge. If you have an idea or have already started a company, we can help you grow and build a network.

DalaSparkz is a student club focusing on ideas, innovation, and bringing companies and students closer to each other. Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and build something beautiful with like-minded innovators in our collaboration-powered club!

We look forward to seeing you there!

+46 760 96 15 20

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